Request an Estimate
Please send an email to with images attach. Provide as much information as possible, this will allow us to estimate more accurately. We aim to get an estimate to you within 3 working days.
Alternatively, if you’d like to come and see us, you don't need to make an appointment; whether you'd like an estimate or just advice, feel free to come in. You can see where to find us on the map below.
We can carry out a free estimate while you wait and schedule your vehicle in for work immediately. We can also arrange for you to borrow a courtesy car.
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Did you know?
Legally, you have the choice of which repairer you use, should you be unfortunate enough to have a collision - you don't have to go where your insurance company suggests. Make the right choice and contact us first.
Contact us
(01273) 778880
Visit us
65 Orchard Gardens